North Miami Beach Little League Baseball
Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct

Our purpose is to promote good sportsmanship, teamwork, achievement of excellence,self-confidence and fun for players and their families through the game of baseball. The conduct of coaches, family members and spectators is critical to this process. Considering the number of people involved with North Miami Beach Little League Baseball/Softball Program games, the instances of poor conduct each season are remarkably few. These few instances, however, will not be tolerated. Civility, decency and respect are concepts that all should understand.
Each person attending a game at any of our fields should be aware of the following standards:
Each coach is required to sign an ethics pledge. Each is expected to keep his or her promises.
- Neither coaches, parents, nor other team supporters may make critical, abusive or offensive comments to the players, coaches or supporters of an opposing team before, during, or after a game.
- Games are officiated by umpires, not coaches, parents or spectators. There is a process and a time for coaches to disagree with calls. Voice your opinion to your coach or league officers, not the umpires.
- Parents and other team supporters may not approach game officials at any time for the purpose of disputing calls, or making critical, abusive language or offensive comments.
- Parents or other team supporters may not enter the field or dugout during a game or post-game activities without the permission of the coach or umpire.
- Each coach is responsible for the conduct of the team's parents and other supporters. The coach may require a parent or other supporter to leave the game-site (the field and surrounding area.)
- The umpires may require any person present at a North Miami Beach Little League game to leave the game-site.
- North Miami Beach Little League will prosecute or support the prosecution of anyone who violates any law or ordinance (e.g. assault or possession of alcohol).
- Any coach, assistant coach, manager, parent, spectator, or player who is dismissed from a game by an umpire or a North Miami Beach Little League officer must leave the complex immediately.
A. The individual may not return to the complex or field after the game. The individual may not return to the complex until one hour after the scheduled completion of the next contest of that team. Any individual who violates these rules will be suspended for an additional game.
B. Any coach, assistant coach, parent, spectator or player who is dismissed from a game by an umpire or a North Miami Beach Little League officer for fighting must leave the complex immediately. The individual may not return to the complex or field after the game. The individual is immediately suspended from attending the next game of that team. Furthermore, the individual may not attend any other game involving North Miami Beach Little League until the one game suspension has ended. Any individual who violates these rules will be suspended for an additional game. If an individual a second time, they will be suspended for the remainder of the season.
C. These are minimum sanctions. Additional North Miami Beach Little League game penalties are possible. If you are suspended at one complex, the suspension will take effect the next game no matter the location.
Violations of these standards will result in the ejection of the violator from North Miami Beach Little League facilities temporarily or permanently.
Baseball is a game. Youth baseball is for the enjoyment of young people and their families. The overwhelming majority of our community understands what these simple facts mean. The positive examples you provide for your children are valued.
League officers are creating a positive league between these four areas. The goal is to encourage positive interaction between players, coaches and family members with the ultimate goal of developing our players, having fun, and providing a positive environment for all.
Parents, families and players enjoy seeing photos of their achievements. For that reason we will be utilizing our websites as well as our social media pages to share those moments. Although our primary concern continues to be the safety of the children, “any image that is published online can be copied and redistributed without the knowledge of the person that uploaded it. Once published, we may not be able to retrieve or delete images if consent is withdrawn after publishing.”.